Library News and Events Archive

Sign up for a Book Discussion: Stamped from the Beginning!

The TLC has acquired copies of “Stamped from the Beginning,” and would like to distribute them now for participants to read over intersession. Email Dave Parfitt...

Congratulations to Tracy Paradis, Digital Collections and Archives Librarian, on her latest published work!

“Growing a Maker Community: Planning and implementing a local community Maker Fest,” written by Tracy Paradis, Debby Emerson, and Michelle Costello, is a published chapter in...

Congratulations to Alan Witt, Research Instruction Librarian, on his latest publication!

Towards a Working Definition of Open Pedagogy, is published in The International Journal of Open Educational Resources. Full URL is Congratulations, Alan Witt! #geneseo...

Milne Open Textbooks is live! All texts are the same, downloadable, and FREE!, is the official site for our  catalog of open textbooks  authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff.  Formerly SUNY Open Textbooks, we have a...

Library Publications - Jonathan Grunert

Congratulations to Scholarly Communications Librarian Jonathan Grunert, Ph.D. , on his newly published dissertation!

Strict Fidelity to Nature: Scientific Taxidermy, U.S. Natural History Museums, and Craft Consensus, 1880s to 1930s can be viewed at Congratulations, Jonathan! #geneseo #libraryinstruction #scholarlycommunications...

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month with our book, video, virtual gallery and local museum lists, research guides, and more! “The study of Native American history and culture is especially pertinent to Geneseo’s history and educational curriculum, considering the legacy of the Haudenosaunee in Western...