Do not let your next lesson plan flop! Use our Imaginarium and TERC resources!
Create your own poster at the Imaginarium in South Hall 243A! Using the Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC), located in Fraser Hall Library, you can access a...
Create your own poster at the Imaginarium in South Hall 243A! Using the Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC), located in Fraser Hall Library, you can access a...
Stop by the library in Fraser sometime before Thanksgiving and make a collage, zine, erasure poem or anything from our old books! There is a crafting...
Fraser Hall Library celebrated Geneseo faculty authors on Thursday, October 27 in the Hunt Room (MacVittie College Union) from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. The Authors Celebration...
Be wise, do not plagiarize! Both the Plagiarism Tutorial and the Library Research Skills Tutorial are self-enroll Canvas courses that students may register for at any...
We know you know what Open Access is*–Geneseo has a great history with open access–lots of faculty publish open access, the faculty senate passed an open...
Come join our library staff! Come join our award-winning team of librarians! We are hiring a research instruction librarian/liaison to social sciences, including communication, mathematics, political...
This week is banned books week. In support of banned books week, the IDEA committee at Fraser Hall Library has curated a collection of banned books....
Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 through October 15. View and sign out a book from Fraser Hall Library’s curated Hispanic Heritage Month collection: ¡Unidos...
We hope you all joined us last week for the open house hosted by Fraser Hall Library. We visited with more than 120 students, faculty, and...
#EDU majors: Did you know we have puppets in the TERC Collection? They are just one of the many items that you can borrow for your...