The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) announces the publication of Reflections on Practitioner Research: A Practical Guide for Information Professionals, edited by SUNY Geneseo’s very own Brandon K. West , Head of Library Research Instruction Services and Liason to Anthropology and Sociology; Lee Ann Fullington; and Frans Albarillo. ISBN: 978-0-8389-4847-7
From the ALA Store: “This publication can help information professionals build an understanding of the research process as applied to librarianship and address the challenges of undertaking research as a practitioner.
A practitioner-researcher is an information professional who may not have formal training in using research methods and is learning how to use these methods during their busy, complex job. Reflections on Practitioner Research offers support and advice for all stages of a research project, from writing the proposal to collecting the data to disseminating the findings.
Reflections on Practitioner Research attempts to capture the actual experience of doing research and the lessons that can be gained from that experience. Projects and studies are not always as linear or without hiccups as the published literature may lead us to believe, and this book shows and celebrates the complexity of information professionals using a research design by picking up these skills along the way.”
Reflections on Practitioner Research: A Practical Guide for Information Professionals is available for purchase in print and as an ebook through the ALA Online Store; in print through Amazon.com; and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the U.S. or (770) 442-8633 for international customers.
#geneseo #libraryinstruction #informationliteracy #informationprofessionals #practicionerresearch

Reflections on Practitioner Research: A Practical Guide for Information Professionals
Lee Ann Fullington, Brandon K. West, Frans Albarillo