Why should Open Education (OE) matter to Geneseo?
Open Education (OE) at Geneseo honors the school’s mission of fostering a “dynamic and inclusive scholarly environment” by enabling both instructors and students to engage in...
Open Education (OE) at Geneseo honors the school’s mission of fostering a “dynamic and inclusive scholarly environment” by enabling both instructors and students to engage in...
If you’re new to the world of Open Education and practices, your head may start to spin when you encounter the terminology that makes up this...
What is Open Education (OE) Week? Open Education (OE) Week is a free global event coordinated by the Open Education Consortium that is meant to raise...
Black Freedom Struggle Website is a FREE collection of open primary sources documents. It contains historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence and more from specific time...
go.geneseo.edu/BecomingAntiRacist Our Black History Month and Becoming an Anti-Racist College guides offer resources, reading lists, graphic novels, databases, podcasts, news archives, and much more for you,...
We are excited to announce our new subscription to the Wall Street Journal! Through this subscription, we have access to articles published by the Wall Street...
In Spring 2021, librarian Brandon West is offering a 1-credit information literacy course titled “INTD 288: Exp: Advanced Research Strategies.” This course will be offered in the second half...
https://libguides.geneseo.edu/nativeamericanstudies/heritage “The study of Native American history and culture is especially pertinent to Geneseo’s history and educational curriculum, considering the legacy of the Haudenosaunee in Western...
Be wise, do not plagiarize! Both the Plagiarism Tutorial and the Library Research Skills Tutorial are self-enroll Canvas courses that students may register for at any...
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 through October 15) with a book from Milne Library’s collection or electronic resource! ¡Unidos en Cultura! Nearly all the books...