SHERPA/RoMEO is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis. Through the SHERPA/RoMEO website, users can search for information about open access policies by journal title or ISSN, or they can search by publisher name.
After selecting a journal title through a search, a user can see which open access pathways are permitted by the journal’s policy based on article version (submitted version, accepted version, or published version). For each article version, information is available regarding the embargo (the length of time before something can be made available), the location (which web spaces the article can be hosted), and specific conditions that must be met when making the author’s work public.
So, why might you use this resource?
—You might be in the process of writing an article and you’d like to use Sherpa Romeo to compare open access policies of various journals within your field
—You may have a published article that you want to post on the internet and you’d like to use SHERPA/RoMEO because you lost or forgot your author rights
[Author: Bill Jones]