The Milne Library Scholarly Communications team and librarian liaisons for the campus academic departments interviewed 87 faculty members in one-on-one conversations during the academic year 2010-11 and part of academic year 2011-12. The results of these interviews were analyzed and documented in a series of reports which will be issued over the next few months.
The interviews conducted with Geneseo faculty members were intended to be a survey of the current research and publishing practices on campus, giving us a glimpse of the issues affecting Geneseo faculty, including the changing scholarly publishing environment, digital and online scholarship, peer review, publishing with undergraduate researchers and open access.
The first two reports in this series (both released today) document the issues and responses surrounding faculty and undergraduate students involved in research and publishing and the quickly changing environment surrounding digital scholarship and its value on campus and in the disciplines. In particular, we look at ways in which the library may be able to meet the needs of new initiatives on campus.
To read the reports, please visit the Milne Library Scholarly Communications’ webpage at http://libguides.geneseo.edu/AcrossTheDisciplines
We welcome your feedback about the reports. Send any comments or questions to Kate Pitcher at pitcher@geneseo.edu or by phone at 585-245-5064.
Milne Library Scholarly Communications Team