The library has moved to our new home in Fraser Hall, located in Fraser 203!
The following services are available at our new location during our regular hours of operation:
Study Space: There are seats and tables available for members of the campus community to use.
Course Reserves: Select required and recommended reading materials for courses are available for checkout. The vast majority of items checked out from our Reserves collection are 24 hour loans. Items checked out from this collection undergo a mandatory 3-day quarantine before they can be checked out again.
Information Delivery Service (IDS) Pickup: Physical items requested from other libraries via IDS are available for pickup. When you receive an email informing you your item has arrived, bring your Geneseo ID (or other form of photo ID) with you to the Service Desk.
Calculators: Our selection of TI-83s, TI-84s, TI-89s, and scientific calculators are available for checkout.
Physical Collection: While we do not have access to all our collections (general collection, Special Collections, and TERC) yet, there are approximately 2,000 titles available for checkout. To narrow your search results to what is physically available, perform an Advanced Search in GLOCAT and limit your results to “Available Physical Materials.” The results will be updated as more books and materials become available during the Spring semester.
Printing: We have public printing available! Visit Available Services at Fraser Hall Library for more information.
CIT HelpDesk:
- CIT HelpDesk Hours: geneseo.edu/cit
- Information about the CIT HelpDesk: geneseo.edu/cit/helpdesk
- Information about CIT HelpDesk A/V equipment loan
These services will continue to be available remotely:
Research Help: You may get librarian assistance in several ways!
- Through our Chat with Us/Ask Us A Question service!
- Schedule a research consultation, which will be held over Zoom.
- You may also email your inquiries to libraryhelp@geneseo.edu.
IDS Electronic Delivery: Articles and other electronic material ordered through IDS will be delivered directly to your email.
Electronic Resources: Continue to be accessible from GLOCAT and the A to Z Database List.
For more information: Visit Available Services at Fraser Hall Library or send an email.