GOLD Program, Published!

GOLDPublishedMilne Library would like to congratulate Tom Matthews, the director of the GOLD Program, on the publication of Building Leaders One Hour at a Time: Guidebook for Leadership Development. Tom has spent the last several years on this labor of love, which describes how staff from across campus have collaborated with the GOLD Program staff to develop a comprehensive program designed to enable students learn leadership skills in a variety of areas. As Tom says, “It speaks volumes about the culture at the College that encourages people to work with each other to help enrich the learning environment for our students.”

Tom’s purpose in writing Building Leaders One Hour at a Time is to spread the word about the GOLD Program and demonstrate that other organizations can use the program to develop leadership programs of their own. With 160 workshops on topics ranging from leadership on energy sustainability to “Grimm” lessons on leadership to visioning one’s future in areas as varied as community engagement and social justice to professional development to information management, it’s apparent that organizations of all types can find the seeds of their own student leadership programs in the contents of this book.

Milne Library has additional connections to the book in that Cyril Oberlander, the library’s director, is the person who suggested the name for the book and many people on the library staff regularly teach workshops for the Ruby Certificate for Information Management and Digital Age Leadership.

Congratulations to Tom and everyone involved with the GOLD Program on the publication of Building Leaders One Hour at a Time!

~  Written by Sherry Rhodes, Reference/Instruction Librarian (
