A warm welcome to Alessandra Otero, our new Research Instruction Librarian and liaison to Art History, Music, Theatre, Dance, English and Philosophy!
Alessandra Otero brings to Milne her years of experience and knowledge in academic research, information literacy, library instruction, research and reference services, scholarly communication, data management, and library promotion. Alessandra originally hails from Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, “a town known for its college and tasty mangos.” She has a Master’s Degree in Information Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Theory of Art from the University of Puerto Rico. Alessandra enjoys watching comedies (either in Spanish or English), meditating, doing yoga, outdoor activities, origami, and studying Buddhism. Her favorite book is the dictionary, because “…it is with words that you create worlds and connections. So, if you know your words, you know where you are going. “