At Geneseo, Open Access materials are available on KnightScholar, the College’s institutional repository. The repository holds scholarly, creative, educational, and research works created by SUNY Geneseo faculty, staff, and students, as well as digitized materials from Milne Library’s Special Collections and Archives. Importantly, open access materials are deposited in KnightScholar in the forms of preprints, postprints, and on occasion, final PDFs. However, it also houses material created as open access works:
- Milne Library Publishing produces open access books, which are available on KnightScholar. Included in this collection are Genesee Valley Historical Reprints, OA books produced by Geneseo Authors, and Old Elbows, a series of illustrated children’s books.
- Proceedings of GREAT Day is the undergraduate research journal of research presented at each year’s GREAT Day event. This journal is produced by two student intern-editors, who evaluate articles that have been nominated by faculty sponsors, as they also learn about publishing an open access journal.
- Gandy Dancer is a literary magazine produced by students at SUNY Geneseo, though the content comes from campuses across the system. The current issue runs on a WordPress platform, and the archives are available in KnightScholar
Though KnightScholar contains all these materials, we are interested in seeing it grow. Make your contribution to KnightScholar this week by completing this form to put your materials in a queue for KnightScholar upload. If you are unsure whether you have permission to upload this file, please check Sherpa/RoMEO or email Jonathan Grunert.