What’s up with Ghana and Geneseo?

Ghana Exhibit informationWhen: Wednesday, January 26th, 2:30pm

Where: Milne 105

What: Dr. Jennifer Rogalsky, Geography, will discuss her recent Fulbright experience in Ghana with a talk titled “Fulbright Research & Teaching Experience in Kumasi, Ghana: Urban, Gender, and African Geographies.” the first of the Teaching and Learning Center’s Faculty Colloquium Series for the semester, this series is jointly sponsored by the Provost’s Office and the TLC.

While the official opening will be in February, when you’re in the Library, be sure to check out an early peek (it’s still a work in progress!) of the Milne Gallery’s latest exhibit,”Grassroots Diplomacy: A Dance of Collaboration, Engagement & Learning.” Highlighting the wide variety of community and Geneseo faculty and student partnerships with Ghana, it includes photos and information on Dr. Rogalsky’s work.

All are welcome.  The  intention of the talks are for faculty and staff members
in all departments to have a chance to engage colleagues across campus and to learn about each others research.

Snacks will be provided.  Please RSVP to tlc@geneseo.edu
