OASIS: OER Search Tool, built in Milne, now at Milne!

Bill Jones and Ben Rawlins OASIS

Milne Library at SUNY Geneseo is excited to share with you an OER search tool that we have developed called OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search)Full URL: https://oasis.geneseo.edu/

We have gathered more than 155,000+ records from 52 different sources that have been carefully selected in collaboration with SUNY OER Services.

With OER becoming more prevalent, and hearing from our faculty that the discovery of OER can be quite difficult, we developed OASIS with the goal of making the discovery of open content easier. Some of the features of OASIS include the ability to limit search results by license, type, subject, source, and reviews available.

Bill Jones and Ben Rawlins OASIS

Bill Jones and Ben Rawlins, OASIS

Through OASIS, you can also suggest new sources to be added to the catalog and/or share items of interest through email. We also created a search widget that can be embedded in any website. If you decide to use the search widget on your website we would love to know.

OASIS Tool on Milne Library Website

OASIS Tool on Milne Library Website

Here is the link to the press release for OASIS from SUNY Geneseo.

Please share any feedback that you may have with Bill Jones (jonesw@geneseo.edu) and Ben Rawlins (rawlins@geneseo.edu).
