Tech byte: Doodle is quick and easy scheduling

Doodle scheduling poll

We all know what a pain it can be when you’re trying to get even a small group of people together. Tools like Google Calendar certainly make it easier for tracking our own commitments, but comparing schedules back and forth can bring on a headache like no other. This is where Doodle steps in to make this onerous task simple.

In three easy steps, set up a poll and once everyone’s responded, see what time works best for everyone, and confirm the final details. No fuss, no muss. You don’t even need to register, although doing so will allow for some added functionality. And it’s free!

Registering with the service gets you a MyDoodle account, which allows you to connect with Google Calendar, iCal, or Outlook and maintains a history of the polls you’ve sent. Whether it’s for scheduling group study time or figuring out the best available time for a club meeting, we’re sure you can save yourself time and grief with this simple tool.

For those needing more advanced features, there’s also a Premium (paid) account to track who’s missing, request additional info (phone #), and sending reminders to poll recipients. Check out the promotional video below for more details.

Your first steps with Doodle from Doodle AG on Vimeo.
