Artwork from Guantanamo Bay Prison: Exhibit at Milne, November 8-14

Shipwreck painting by Djamel Ameziane in 2011 from Guantanamo Bay Prison

Located in the Milne Lobby Display cases, “Artwork from Guantánamo Bay Prison” highlights  artwork by different Guantánamo Bay prisoners.  Each painting contains a plaque that gives a brief description of the artist’s detainee life and the title of the piece.

This exhibit was previously featured during  the SUNY Geneseo Cultural Harmony Week, October 2018. The exhibit runs from November 8 – November 14 in Milne Library.

Each work represents how the detainees feel in such an isolated and constrictive setting.  “Untitled (Shipwreck)”(2011)  is the  example shown in this article. The artist, Djamel Ameziane, was detained from 2002 until 2013, when he was transferred to Algeria.

Some of the artists in this exhibit have since been released from Guantánamo; others have been detained for 16 years, with no end in sight. None of the artists have ever been charged with a crime. In November 2017, the US military banned any more artwork from leaving the prison.


