Don’t miss this upcoming All-College Hour speaker event! George Kuh’s inaugural lecture serves as the keynote address for Geneseo’s annual ASSESStivus, the event which celebrates and reaffirms Geneseo’s commitment to assessment as central to achieving our mission and goals as a public liberal arts college.
George D. Kuh is adjunct research professor at the University of Illinois and Chancellor’s Professor of Higher Education Emeritus at Indiana University (IU). He directs the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment and was the founding director of IU’s Center for Postsecondary Research and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) as well as related instruments for law students, beginning college students, and faculty. (Full description here)
Sponsored by Student and Campus Life and Residence Life, the All-College Hour Speaker Series aims to provide integrative opportunities for the campus community to come together to engage in learning that promotes cognitive, emotional, and civic development. The topics of the series are intended to challenge thinking, spur self-reflection, encourage civil discourse, and promote social responsibility.
For more details and a look at this semester’s further line up, check out their page.