100-year old issues of The Lamron, now available at Milne Library!

SUNY Geneseo Lamron 1919

Old news is new news … in the College Archives collection in Milne Library! Two 100-year-old issues of the Lamron have found their way back to campus, thanks to a thoughtful donor and the good judgement of the folks at the Livingston County Historical Society. The near-pristine issues, from the estate of 1920 Geneseo Normal School alumna Harriet Fugle, had been among a box of locally historical items given to the LCSH last spring. The folks at LCHS in turn offered the Lamrons to Milne for the College Archives collection, deeming it a more fitting “forever home” for them – and we agreed!

The Lamron as most of us know it dates back to 1922, when the editors introduced vol. 1, no. 1 “in its new dress” (p. 4). Beginning in 1917, however, the Lamron was published in varying formats, seemingly at the whim of each year’s editors. Milne owns scattered issues from that earlier period – vol. 1, nos. 1-3 (1917-18) and vol. 3, nos. 1-2 (1919-20). The newly-donated issues – vol. 2, nos. 1-2 (Jan. 1919 and Feb. 1919) – will nicely fill a gap in this exceedingly rare “old series.” Click the links below to see/read both.

100 Year Old Issues of The Lamron


The Lamron “new series” is available online at New York State Historic Newspapers for the years 1922 through May 1974 (with a few scattered issues missing), and we are beginning the process of making 1975 – current issues accessible online as well. Of course, the complete 1922 through May 2019 run is available in print in the College Archives collection on Milne’s lower level. As we library types like to say: check it out!

