Web of Science, with cited reference search!

Web of Science connects publications and researchers through citations and controlled indexing in curated databases spanning every discipline.

  • Track citations and research impact, and see relationships between articles, authors, and research funders.
  • The Library’s subscription  includes Journal Citation Reports,  a tool that can help you track research impact, view impact factors and other metrics, and select journals for publication.
  • Other highlights: EndNote Web, and Data Citation Index
  • More than 161 million records, including open access articles,  across over 250 subject areas.
  • Access full text content in a single click
  • Assessment and visual analysis of individuals and institutions.

Web of Science can be accessed here: https://proxy.geneseo.edu/login?url=http://webofknowledge.com/WOS

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Or via our LibGuides A-Z: https://libguides.geneseo.edu/az.php?a=w

Web of Science Cited Reference search
