Gone are the days of bringing coins to Milne Library or asking for change at the service desk in order to use the copy machines in Milne. New for the start of the Fall 2012 semester, students, staff and faculty will be able to use the copiers in Milne simply by entering their SUNY Geneseo username and password on a touch screen display or by passing their SUNY Geneseo ID cards in front of an attached card reader. Cost of the copies will be automatically deducted from their printer balance.
Each floor of the library has one copier:
Lower Floor: black & white copier located along the wall between the Microforms and Indexes & Guides.
Main Floor: color/black & white copier located in the study area. This copier automatically detects whether you are printing color or black and white and charges the appropriate amount.
Upper Floor: black & white copier located in the new Census and Data Demographics Data room.
Community guests will have access to the copiers too. They will need to stop at the Service Desk in Milne so a staff member can get them logged in to the copier.
Microform Readers
If you have been hesitant to view and scan microform (microfilm, microfiche & microcard) because of big, bulky equipment, hesitate no more.
Milne Library has replaced its large microform readers/scanners with two state-of- the-art, all-digital ST ViewScan scanners, giving users greater flexibility in how they scan microform. These scanners, located on the lower level, are fast and produce excellent high quality scans.
The scanners are equipped with their own MS Windows software that is easy to use so you can get the exact scan you need, plus the ability to easily save your scans (right to your Google Drive, if you like). Stop in soon and give one a try — you won’t be disappointed.