As the semester and your schedules get busier and busier, don’t forget about all those pesky research projects that will be due anytime from the week after Spring Break to the end of the semester. Milne Library’s Reference Librarians are ready to help you with your research!
By scheduling a Student Research Consultation, a librarian will set up a one-on-one meeting with you, at a time that’s convenient for all involved, and will work closely with you on the specific needs for your research. Save time! Get better grades! By scheduling one meeting with a librarian, you could have most, if not all, of your research complete within 30 minutes.
Set up a meeting today and arrange a time to meet after Spring Break. You will be so happy you did!
Additionally, one-on-one meetings are available to work on technology projects. Sign up for a Student Technology Consultation and have a software specialist help you create a professional looking Powerpoint, Website, or InDesign poster presentation.