Register to Vote in the General Election by Oct. 13th!
No matter your opinion of the candidates or political orientation, voting is a civic responsibility and the outcome has a great impact on our society. The off-year election will be held on November 7, 2017. While this does not including big races for President nor Senate or House of Representatives (elections for these offices are only held during odd-numbered years if accommodating a special election—usually either due to incumbents resigning or dying while in office), there are several State, County, and Town elections for which to prepare. The following offices are on the ballot for Geneseo:
– Justice of the NYS Supreme Court (7th Judicial District)
– County Sheriff
– County Treasurer
– County Coroner (2)
– Geneseo Town Justice
– Geneseo Town Council (2 for 4-year term)
– Geneseo Town Council (1 for Unexpired 2-year term)
Every 20 years, New York state is required to place before the voters a proposal to hold a constitutional convention the following year. That time is upon us and subject to the approval of the voters, this is how the state’s constitution can be changed. You can learn more about this at the The New York State Constitutional Convention Clearinghouse.
There are also several mayoral races in New York state, including Buffalo, New York City, Rochester, and Syracuse.
Learn About the Candidates and Issues here!
There are three campus events are scheduled to inform the campus community about the candidates and the issues on the ballot at the polls in Geneseo on November 7th:
Meet and Greet the Candidates
@Noon to 4:00 pm – October 24, 25 and 26 – MacVittie College Union Lobby
Guests TBA
Candidates Forum
@7:00 pm – Wednesday, October 25 – Newton 202
All candidates on the November 7 ballot in the Town of Geneseo were invited to participate in this Candidates Forum that is open to the campus and the Geneseo community. The five candidates for positions on the ballot that are not contested – including Justice of the Supreme Court, Sheriff, County Treasurer, two Coroner positions and Geneseo Town Justice – have not confirmed attendance at the Candidates Forum.
Geneseo Town Council positions each have more than one candidate. All candidates running for Geneseo Town Council will be participating in the Candidates Forum: Patti LaVigne, Ronald Maxwell, Leah Fletcher, Wesley Ebersole, Andrea Bailey and Tony Macula. All candidates will have an opportunity to give brief opening and closing statements and answer questions submitted by the audience to the moderator, Dr. Andrew Herman, Associate Professor and Chair of Communication.
What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Election
@2:30pm – November 2nd – MacVittie 322/323
There is an election coming on November 7, but what positions are at stake, who is running, and what issues will you be voting on? Are you confused about local elections, or are you curious about the NYS Constitutional Convention Referendum? Come hear from three Andrew Goodman Foundation Vote Everywhere Ambassadors who will provide all the information you need to know before you vote on November 7.
Instructors: Patrick Buckley – GOLD Leader Mentor & Undergraduate Research Assistant; Sarah Jane Phillips – GOLD Leader Mentor & GOLD Office Manager; Brian Ludemann – Mentor, GOLD Program
Who Can Vote?
If you are a legal U.S. citizen who will be 18 years of age by November 7, 2017, then you can register to vote. However, you must be registered by October 31, 2017. You may print and mail in your voter registration or may register to vote online (you will need your NYS drivers license in order to register via the motor-voter site).
Residency Consideration

Suffrage parade in New York, May 6, 1912. United States Library of Congress’s Prints and Photographs division. Public domain.
Students may establish voting residency in the place they consider their principal home, whether that be their current school address or at another address (such as a guardian’s address) they consider their primary residence (Brennan Center, 2016). If you have not declared Geneseo as your primary residence on your voter registration, then you need to apply for an absentee voting ballot.
Absentee Voting
“Voters in New York must have an accepted reason to vote absentee, including the inability to vote in person due to physical disability or absence from the county in which one is registered (if a resident of New York City, then absence from the city), among others. Voters may submit their application for an absentee ballot by mail (postmarked) seven days before Election Day (2017: October 31) or in person by the end of the day before Election Day (2017: November 6). Completed ballots may be submitted in person by the close of polls on Election Day or by mail such that the ballot is postmarked by the day before the election (2017: November 6) and received within seven days of the election” (Brennan Center, 2016).
New York Board of Elections Absentee Ballot
Have Questions or Need Help?
Stop by the Milne Library Research Instruction Office and a reference librarian will be happy to assist you.
Brennan Center for Justice. (2016). Student voting guide 2016. Retrieved from http://www.brennancenter.org/how-vote-2016
Written by Brandon West and updated by Tracy Paradis