So you’re new to campus and kinda new to the whole research paper thing. Or you’re not new but just a bit rusty, and that library skills class you took seems so long ago. Who can remember all that searching/citing/writing stuff anyway?
Just settle down, breathe deeply, turn on your computer, and bring up Milne Library’s homepage. See that list over there on the right, called Quick Links? About half way down is the one you want – “How do I …”
Click on it and you’ll find all you need to help you through your research project, no matter which stage it’s at. Just about everything is covered, from “Begin My Research” to “Edit and Proofread My Writing.” Need help distinguishing scholarly from popular (or primary from secondary) sources? There’s a guide for that! Need some guidance on which databases to use, and how to do a really great search? Yep – there’s a guide for that, too.
When asking a librarian is just not an option – whether because it’s 2 a.m. and you need help NOW, or because you’re more of a DIYer – Milne’s “How do I …” guides will help see you through the research, citing, and writing of your paper or project. (But do try to ask a librarian, too, OK?)