Geneseo’s CIT and Milne Library in conjunction with CAS are pleased to announce the First Annual Geneseo Insomnia Film Festival (GIFF). On March 23rd, participants will have 24 hours to write, shoot, edit, and post a 3-minute video using a set of elements provided on the GIFF website. Teams will compete for prizes against other SUNY Geneseo students in an attempt to create the most witty, interesting, and creative video. This is a chance for students of all talents to flex their creative muscles and demonstrate their skills, whether they be writers, actors, videographers, or editors. Your submissions will be judged blindly by a panel of Geneseo faculty and staff. Videos will be shown during a special Geneseo Late Knight award event the week after submissions are due. Rally the troops and get started!
Individuals interested in joining in the fun should visit us on Facebook or our GIFF website for necessary information and to register their team.
CIT and DML staff will be head quartered in Brodie Mac lab (Brodie 239) for the entire duration of the event with advice, iMacs loaded with iMovie for editing your video FREE CAS coffee. Geneseo Insomniacs are highly encouraged to come make use of our skills, talk video with other Insomniacs, and enjoy caffeinated goodness!