Through Milne Library’s participation in the Federal Depository Library Program, every January, we receive shipments of pre-selected federal tax forms to serve the Geneseo community. Additionally, we receive New York State tax forms, which are due to arrive soon.
Tax forms can be found on a multi-tiered rack on the main floor of Milne Library, near the large group study area that looks out onto the Genesee Valley. The forms are sitting to the left of our old card catalog.
Because all tax forms are also accessible online ( for federal forms; for New York State forms), Milne Library only carries a small selection of forms; typically those that are most heavily used (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040X, 8863 Education Credits, etc.).
For further information or assistance with locating tax forms, please see Tom Ottaviano at the Circulation Desk (phone: 245-5213, e-mail: