Choose the Winner!

GIFFChoice Here’s you’re opportunity to see and share the videos that resulted from our second annual Geneseo Insomnia Film Festival.

View the entries and vote for your favorite right here!
Students had a mere 24 hours to write, shoot, edit and post a three minute video using three (or more) “elements” from a list of twenty (below). Nineteen teams registered and sixteen completed the challenge for a total of 74 Geneseo students. Some of these teams have never shot/edited video before.  The results range from fun and cute, to touching and dark.
Please enjoy them and take the time to “like” those videos you find most compelling. The team with the most “likes” by 10PM on Thursday April 11th will be our first place winner. I hope you enjoy the videos as much as we (GIFF Overlords and Participants, alike) enjoyed bringing them to you!
Please, share the links widely, ask your friends and family to help determine the 2013 GIFF Champions. If you’re interested in keeping up on this year’s results or want to be in the loop for next year, then simply “like” our Facebook page and follow us (@GeneseoInsomnia) on Twitter!
Here are the elements of the 2013 GIFF:
1. Two black T-shirts with “Insomniac” printed on them
2. Popcorn popping in a microwave oven
3. Point of View (POV) shot of a door being answered or slammed in one’s face
4. A request for a cup of, “Tea, Earl-grey, hot.”
5. A child’s sleeping bag/blanket
6. An extreme long shot of someone waving
7. A character proclaiming that something is “Legen…wait-for-it…DARY!”
8. The Phrase, “My Precious…” while doing a Gollum impression
9. The phrase, “I’m a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.”
10. A character named Miles Morales
11. A character wearing a fedora and trench coat with Hawaiian shorts
12. Someone doing the truffle-shuffle
13. Someone doing a handstand
14. A character “breaking the fourth wall” (speaking directly to the audience)
15. A tennis ball in a salad bowl
16. An empty birdcage
17. A tracking shot of a person walking down a hallway
18. A person wearing a paper party hat while, clearly, not having a good time
19. A single shot containing both the “Seuss Spruce” and the “Painted Tree”
20. A LATS Bus