Category: Useful Tools

Open Education Symposium 2021!

#FraserHallLibrary’s Open Services Committee has prepared a collection of information, recent news, and OER-related tidbits, including a crossword puzzle and word search. Read it at or download...

Free Instructional materials for K-5 students available via Gale In Context: Elementary Database!

This  NOVELny database is FREE to all New York residents, including K-12 students. Gale In Context: Elementary offers age-appropriate instructional materials for elementary school students (K-5)...

Open Access Open Ed Open Data and Drawing depicting the divisions of the Rosetta Stone, with labels for the different languages.

Geneseo in the Open: OER Rosetta Stone

Bill Jones (Digital Resources and Systems Librarian at Fraser Hall Library) was interviewed by SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) about his involvement in...