Plagiarism Workshops
Students plagiarize for many reasons, including procrastination, panic, and lack of understanding about how to paraphrase, quote, and cite properly. In this workshop taught by librarians,...
Students plagiarize for many reasons, including procrastination, panic, and lack of understanding about how to paraphrase, quote, and cite properly. In this workshop taught by librarians,...
Students plagiarize for many reasons, including procrastination, panic, and lack of understanding about how to paraphrase, quote, and cite properly. In this workshop taught by librarians,...
Students plagiarize for many reasons. While some are simply trying to get through a course as easily as possible, others procrastinate and panic, taking a few...
Milne Library is again offering a series of workshops to educate students on what constitutes plagiarism and strategies to combat it. Students will… learn how citing...
Students plagiarize for many reasons. While some are simply trying to get through a course as easily as possible, others procrastinate and panic, taking a few...
The next workshop is Wednesday, April 10, 4:30-5:20 pm (Milne 104). Milne Library is again offering a series of workshops to educate students on what constitutes...
The next workshop offered is Thursday, January 31, 7:00-7:50 pm (Milne 109) Milne Library is again offering a series of workshops to educate students on what...
Milne Library is again offering a series of workshops to educate students on what constitutes plagiarism and strategies to combat it. Students plagiarize for many reasons....
We are offering one final plagiarism workshop on Study Day, Tuesday Dec. 11th. 11:00 AM Milne 105