Milne Library is again offering a series of workshops to educate students on what constitutes plagiarism and strategies to combat it. Students will…
- learn how citing correctly can help avoid unintentional plagiarism.
- learn how to write a paragraph that successfully and clearly distinguishes paraphrases and quotes from original ideas and language.
Milne Library is offering 14 workshops this semester on Avoiding Plagiarism at the following dates and times:
Spring 2015 Plagiarism Workshops
Wednesday, February 4, 3:00-3:50 Room: Milne 104
Thursday, February 5, 6:00-6:50 Room: Milne 104
Monday, February 9, 7:00-7:50 Room: Milne 104
Thursday, February 12, 5:00-5:50 Room: Milne 104
Tuesday, February 17, 2:30-3:20 Room: Milne 104
Wednesday, February 18, 6:00-6:50 Room: Milne 104
Friday, February 27, 2:30-3:20 Room: Milne 104
Monday, March 2, 7:00-7:50 Room: Milne 104
Wednesday, March 4, 4:00-4:50 Room: Milne 104
Tuesday, March 10, 5:00-5:50 Room: Milne 104
Thursday, March 12, 4:00-4:50 Room: Milne 104
Wednesday, March 26, 4:00-4:50 Room: Milne 104
Wednesday, April 1, 7:00-7:50 Room: Newton 214
Thursday, April 2, 5:00-5:50 Room: Newton 204
New this year: Registration is required!
The plagiarism workshops are now part of the GOLD Program. To register for a plagiarism workshop, students must visit the GOLD Program web page to open a GOLD account, and then register for one of 14 plagiarism workshops in the listing of GOLD Workshops. (To see the complete list of plagiarism workshops, use the search box on the left, using the keyword plagiarism.)