Spring is on its way to the agriculturally-centered Geneseo, NY region! Milne Library has access to agricultural and horticultural databases for your research, as well as for gardening and horticultural tips.
AgEconSearch contains over 130,000 records in agricultural economics, including sub disciplines such as agribusiness, food supply, natural resource economics, environmental economics, policy issues, agricultural trade, and economic development. Open Access (as in, no login needed!)
AGRICOLA The AGRicultural Online Access database contains citations of works in agriculture and related fields published since the fifteenth century. Links to many full-text documents on the web are included. AGRICOLA is also open to the public. http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/
Agriculture Collection (GALE) A comprehensive database of over 10 million periodicals supporting research in agriculture and related fields, from practical aspects of farming to cutting edge scientific research in horticulture. This is available on campus only, or via Geneseo single sign-on.
Botanicus Digital Library is a freely accessible portal to historic botanical literature, including illustrations and rare volumes from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.
Gardening, Landscape, and Horticulture Collection offers biotechnologists, farmers, hobbyists, and landscape architects alike access to important content relevant to their pursuits. Popular topics include beekeeping, rose care, mulching, and landscaping. This is available on campus only, or via Geneseo single sign-on.
You can also find these databases on the Milne Library A-Z Databases page, https://libguides.geneseo.edu/az.php