While it is not our first choice to have the CSA databases like PsycINFO and Sociological Abstracts change, unfortunately the old CSA interface will be gone in March and we want to give faculty and students plenty of time to use and become accustomed to the new interface while the old one is still available . As we see so often with companies buying one another out, CSA purchased ProQuest around 2007 and is finally moving all their CSA interfaces to the new ProQuest platform so that all of their products have a similar look and feel.
PsycInfo will soon go from this: to this:
Remember, all links on the LibGuides and library website will be changed to the new interface, but links to the old interface through the LibGuides and library website will be available through the end of March.
If you should encounter problems, please let us know immediately and we will look into it asap and get back to them with changes (if its possible.)