Students, if you are participating in GREAT Day this year you should consider submitting your presentation for publication in the 2012 GREAT Day Proceedings! Begin by reading the submission guidelines, where you will be asked first to register for an account at OJS (Open Journal Systems), the online system we are using to publish the Proceedings. You’ll want to discuss this opportunity with your GREAT Day presentation adviser, and make sure you have his or her support in submitting your paper for publication.
The 2012 Proceedings will be published in the rigorous style of an academic journal. Every paper submitted will be reviewed by a faculty panel, and only the best will be chosen to represent Geneseo. This means it will be even more impressive when you list this publication on your resume! You will be contacted with the outcome of the review process by the end of summer.
If you have problems submitting your paper, please contact librarians Sue Ann Brainard (brainard@geneseo.edu) or Joe Easterly (easterly@geneseo.edu) for help.